Dr. Purvesh Chauhan is professionally practicing in Ahmedabad city of Gujarat as an Implantologist & Smile Makeover Expert since a decade. Presently there are success stories over 15000 plus patients treated by him. Since the humble beginning as a graduated from Government Dental College, Ahmedabad acquiring B.D.S Degree in 2004, he has acquired Advanced Training in the Science of Dental Implants, Crown & Bridge as well as Cosmetic Dentistry whereby he has also specialized in The Art of Smile correction through Metal free Ceramic Crowns & Veneers. Over the years he is exclusively practicing Full Mouth Rehabilitation & Smile Designing along with Dental Implants. In Ahmedabad city, he is the pioneer to the concept of ‘All on 4 Techniques’ for Implants.
Dr. Purvesh's Speciality
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